Quality Assurance for 2025
Quality Assurance training is REQUIRED for all members enrolled in the following livestock projects:
Beef - Swine - Sheep - Goat - Rabbit - Poultry - Llama/Alpaca
This includes ALL projects in these species. (market, breeding, dairy, pet, etc...)
All classes are held at the Youth Center and RSVP is required. Call the Extension Office to RSVP at 740.385.3222 or email seum.6@osu.edu.
Training Dates:
- March 13, 6:00-8:00 PM (Thursday)
- April 5, 9:00-11:00 AM (Saturday)
- April 9, 6:00-8:00 PM (Wednesday) *This training date will focus on new(er) exhibitors. All members are welcome to attend.
- April 22, 6:00-8:00 PM (Tuesday)
- May 7, 6:00-8:00 PM (Wednesday) *$20 fee
Older Youth Test-Out Option
Youth age 15 and older as of January 1, 2025, have the option to test out of QA.
- A Test-Out Day will be offered on Saturday, April 5 at the Youth Center from 11:30 AM - 1 PM ♦ RSVP is not required, but youth must be signed in by 12:30 PM.
- Tests will be administered at the Logan High School FFA classroom on Friday, April 11. Interested youth must arrange a testing time with the FFA instructor. Youth do not have to be an FFA member to participate in this test.
- Youth may also arrange to take the test at the Extension Office on an individual basis. Tests will be offered from March 3 through April 30 during regular business hours. Call the Extension Office at 740.385.3222 or email thompson.1860@osu.edu for this option.
- Youth that do not pass the test must participate in another training option.
- Youth may only attempt to test-out one time per year.
- Testing after attending a training is NOT permitted.
- Test Out Study Guide - 2025 GPP's to focus on are 7, 8, and 9. Test Out Study Guide
Members may complete the online YQCA option at https://yqcaprogram.org. This is a national program recognized by ODA and OSU that Ohio youth may utilize to complete the required QA training.
This option is available to youth ages 8-18. A fee is associated with this option.
Deadline to complete this option is May 16, 2025. Certificates must be sent to Angie at seum.6@osu.edu before 4 PM, May 16. Certificates received after this deadline will not be accepted.
Out of County QA Attendance
Youth may attend another county's QA training. Individuals interested in this option, must pickup a certificate at the Extension Office BEFORE attending an out of county training.
All YQCA and Out of County certificates must be submitted to the Extension Office before 4 PM, Friday, MAY 16, 2025.